Everything has to be fulfilled at the same time – in a professional context, there is often an interplay of different requirements: Expectations of colleagues, employees or superiors, team dynamics, financial limitations and, in any case, the complexity of the market and the field of activity. In addition, of course, there are your internal, personal processes and mechanisms that you know – more or less well.
Even as a performer, you know the flip side of grandiosity – the stress that you have to put up with, the self-doubt that you don’t want anyone to see and your recurring question to yourself: how can I get out of this hamster wheel?
As a systemic coach, I respect and appreciate the complexity of the demands that your role and your life place on you and I am your sparring partner and perspective changer.
In coaching, I can support you in gaining more awareness and to act in a more self-determined way. More specifically, this could for example mean that we work towards some of these goals:
- understanding the causes of stress and questioning unnecessary constructs
- knowing your strengths and resources better
- unraveling mental knots and gaining clarity for decisions
- understanding and naming team dynamics better
- gaining new perspectives and recognizing alternatives
- understanding and accepting yourself more
- finding a healthy balance between work and private life
- leading, acting and shaping with more confidence
I will accompany you in a solution-oriented and clearly defined process. Through new perspectives, you will learn about your ressources and will recognize potential for development. This will contribute to strengthening your ability to make decisions and act more in line with yourself.
In coaching, I work individually and with various methods from a broad spectrum, depending on the individual context. This is underpinned by my field expertise and sound experience in the agile start-up and tech sector as well as in small and medium-sized companies.